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Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy

• Herbal medicine is practiced in many cultures and has been successfully used for thousands of years. An herbalist will prepare a treatment based on the consultation that they have with their client. Generally plants and plant parts are used within the herbal remedy, but some cultures will also use animal or mineral products in their herbal mixtures. The herbal remedy may take the form of teas, capsules, tablets, extracts, or tinctures, to name a few. Herbal medicine is effective as the ingredients in the remedy contain natural chemicals and compounds that have biological activity. Many conditions can benefit from the use of herbal medicine, from as simple as the common cold, to as complicated as digestive conditions and allergies.

• Homoeopathy is designed to help the body to heal itself. Symptoms of ill health are caused by disharmony within the person, and it is the person that needs the treatment rather than the disease or illness itself. The medicines used in homoeopathy are comprised of plant, mineral, and animal extracts and are prescribed according to the specific symptoms shown by an individual, as well as the emotions that they show and their general physical condition.

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