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Vegan and Vegetarian Proteins. Its not all carnivorous!

The bodybuilding and health age is at its peak. Proteins are the essential factors to achieve a successful physique. Protein breaks down into amino acids, this promotes cell growth and repair.

It is a necessity to consume protein before or after a work out in order to avoid the break down of muscle mass.

However if you are not a meatist, where does that leave you? After all vegetarians and vegans need their protein too.

The majority of animal products contain a high percentage of fat which could lead to future problems involving high cholesterol. Consequently vegetarian options of protein could be the best option for the majority.

Protein based veggies.


Green peas contain 7.9 grams of protein per cup. They can be incorporated into most dishes in order to achieve the daily recommended protein intake.


There are many different varieties of beans—black, white, pinto, heirloom, etc.—but one thing they all have in common is their high amounts of protein.

So don’t feel guilty next time you hit chipotle!

Nuts for Nuts!

Nuts are amazing for essential fat and proteins. Walnuts, cashew, pistachio, peanuts, almonds etc.

Even peanut and almond butter are brilliant plant-based proteins. Just watch out for those added ingredients such as salt and additives!

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)

Quinoa is referred to as a complete protein. Essentially this means it contains all 9 necessary amino acids that the human body needs. The body itself cannot make these acids thus it must come from a food. Making Quinoa perfect!

If Popeye has it, so should you. SPINACH-POWER FOOD!

Two cups of raw spinach, contains 2.1 grams of protein. Despite being low-calorie most of it comes from Protein. The health benefits of consuming spinach are numerous; lowering the risk of cancer, reducing high blood pressure, improving bone health and many more.

There are hundreds of alternatives to animal-based proteins, A vegetable raw diet, cleanses out your system and keeps you heart healthy.

For additional information on vegetable proteins visit ABC’s page.

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